
Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics was founded in 1982 to train staff in the field of fishery economics. The Faculty is now training approximately 3,000 students ranging from associate degrees to master’s degree programs. The Faculty now has 4 associate professors, 16 doctors and, 27 masters, in which there are 9 lecturers currently pursuing Ph.D and PD program overseas. The majority of our staff is trained in developed countries such as Norway, France, Poland, Denmark, Japan, and Australia. The Faculty has five departments:  Economic Management, Business Administration, Trade, Marketing, and Economics 

The Faculty of Economics is strong in international training cooperation. Two prominent international cooperation programs are follows. The first is the international training program of Master of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture Management and Economics since 2010, which is offered by the Norwegian College of Fishery Science, Faculty of Bioscience, Fisheries and Economics, University of Tromsø, in cooperation with Nha Trang University, Vietnam, which is sponsored by The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU). The second is, with the sponsorship of the AUF and, since 2013, partnerships with universities in France (University of Nantes, Perpignan, New Caledonia and, Toulon-Var), the Faculty has established a French Vietnamese bilingual undergraduate program in Business Administration, opening more opportunities for graduate study for students.  

Currently, the Faculty is offering 3 Master’s and 5 Bachelor degree programs. Since 2020, we will be recruiting PhD students in Business Administration and Marine Resource Economics (with the emphasis on Fishery Economics), the two strongest disciplines of the Faculty.


Undergraduate programs:

  • Business Administration
  • Commercial Business
  • Economics
  • Marketing
  • Fisheries Economics   


Graduate programs:

Master programs (2 years):

  • Business Administration
  • Development Economics
  • Economic Management

Research interest:

Currently, the Faculty is promoting research on the issues of: green production and consumption with sustainability orientation; the development of the theories on the behavior of consumers and organizations; economic policies for fisheries and aquaculture management; consultancy of business management activities (strategic planning, human resource management, supply chain management, and value chain); and international trade.


Research groups:

  1. Ho Huy Tuu, Nguyen Huu Khoi, Svein Ottar Olsen (Consumer behavior)
  2. Nguyen Thi Kim Anh, Nguyen Thi Tram Anh, Curtis M. Jolly (Aquaculture trading, Value chain)
  3. Quach Thi Khanh Ngoc, Bui Bich Xuan, Claire Armstrong (Ecosystem, Marine protected area)
  4. Le Kim Long, Nguyen Ngoc Duy, Pham Thi Thanh Thuy, Ola Flaaten (Aquaculture and fisheries economics and management)


Publications in ISI/Scopus journals


The year of 2020

Long, L. K., Thap, L. V., Hoai, N. T. (2020). An application of data envelopment analysis with the double bootstrapping technique to analyze cost and technical efficiency in aquaculture: Do credit constraints matter?.

Long, L. K., Thap, L. V., Hoai, N. T., & Thuy, P. T. T. (2020). Data envelopment analysis for analyzing technical efficiency in aquaculture: The bootstrap methods. Aquaculture Economics &

Nga, C. T. H., N., Eide, A., Armstrong, C., & Long, L. K. (2020). Economic performance and capacity utilization in a Nha Trang purse seine fishery. Asian Fisheries Science, 33, 58-64.

Nguyen, K. A. T., Nguyen, T. A. T., Jolly, C., & Nguelifack, B. M. (2020). Economic Efficiency of Extensive and Intensive Shrimp Production under Conditions of Disease and Natural Disaster Risks in Khánh Hòa and Trà Vinh Provinces, Vietnam. Sustainability, 12(5), 2140.

Nguyen, T. A. T., & Jolly, C. M. (2020). Diverse Cooperative Field Membership and Small-Scale Producers’ Access to Certification. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 28(2), 228-246.

Nguyen, T. A. T., & Jolly, C. (2020). Global value chain and food safety and quality standards of Vietnam pangasius exports. Aquaculture


The year of 2019

Khoi, N. H., Tuu, H. H., & Ottar, S. (2018). The role of perceived values in explaining Vietnamese consumers' attitude and intention to adopt mobile commerce. Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing And Logistics, 30(4), 1112-1134.

Nguyen, T. A. T., Nguyen, K. A. T., & Jolly, C. (2019). Is Super-Intensification the Solution to Shrimp Production and Export Sustainability?. Sustainability, 11(19), 5277.

Nguyen, T. A. T., Nguyen, K. A. T., Truong, H. C., & Jolly, C. M. (2019). Collective action governance and benefits distribution in the sturgeon value chain in Lâm Đồng province, Vietnam. Aquaculture, 734765.

Nguyen, K. A. T., & Jolly, C. M. (2019). Steps toward the establishment of a commercial aquaculture insurance program: lessons from an assessment of the Vietnamese pilot insurance program. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 27(1), 72-87.

Thuy, V. T. N., Tuu, H. H., Llosa, S., & Thao, H. D. P. (2019). An application of Tetraclass model for evaluating ecotourism service quality in Vietnam. Tourism and Hospitality Research.


The year of 2018

Ngoc, Q.T.K., 2018. Impacts on the ecosystem and human well-being of the marine protected area in Cu Lao Cham, Vietnam. Marine Policy, 90: 174-183.

Ngoc, Q. T. K., 2018. Assessing the value of coral reefs in the face of climate change: the evidence from Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam. Ecosystem Services, 35: 99-108.

Nguyen, K. A. T., & Jolly, C. M. (2018). Balancing interests of actors in the ocean tuna value chain of Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. Marine Policy, 98, 11-22.

Nguyen, K. A. T., Jolly, C. M., & Nguelifack, B. M. (2018). Evaluation of factors influencing Asian continent ocean health status using a semi-parametric production function. Ocean & Coastal Management, 160, 38-45.

Nguyen, K. A. T., Jolly, C. M., & Nguelifack, B. M. (2018). Biodiversity, coastal protection and resource endowment: Policy options for improving ocean health. Journal of Policy Modeling, 40(2), 242-264.

Nguyen, T. A. T., & Jolly, C. M. (2018). Macro-economic and product challenges facing Vietnamese the Pangasius industry. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 26(2), 183-194.

Vo Thanh, T., Cam Tran, T. A., & Dang, R. (2018). Satisfaction as a Bridge to Loyalty in a Tourist Destination. Tourism Analysis, 23(1), 45-60.


The year of 2017

Olsen, S. O., & Tuu, H. H. (2017). Time perspectives and convenience food consumption among teenagers in Vietnam: The dual role of hedonic and healthy eating values. Food research international, 99, 98-105.

Nguyen, T. A. T., Bui, C. T. P. N., & Jolly, C. M. (2017). The value chain of exported whiteleg shrimp: Case study in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics (IJFAEC), 5(1128-2018-065), 9-23.

Nguyen, T. A. T., Nguyen, T. C. P. B., & Jolly, C. M. (2017). Food Safety and Vietnam EU Pangasius strategy. Agricultural Economics Review, 18(1), 83-96.

Tuu, H. H., & Olsen, S. O. (2017). Patterns of Vietnamese buying behaviors on luxury branded products. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.

Yang, J. S., & Hung, H. V. (2017). Happy workers value effort, sad workers value reward. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(11), 1591-1624.


The year of 2016

Dien, V. V., Mainetti, N., & Fenies, P. (2016). Traceability and transaction governance: a transaction cost analysis in seafood supply chain. In Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 17 (3), 125-135.

Duy, N. N., & Flaaten, O. (2016). Profitability effects and fishery subsidies: average treatment effects based on propensity scores. Marine Resource Economics, 31(4), 373-402.

Duy, N. N., & Flaaten, O. (2016). Efficiency analysis of fisheries using stock proxies. Fisheries Research, 181, 102-113.

Le, Trang TH, Kim Anh T. Nguyen, and Curtis M. Jolly. (2016). Perception, preparedness and severity of climate change triggered events in Ben Tre Province, Vietnam. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics (IJFAEC), 29-44.

Nguyen, K. A. T., Jolly, C. M., Bui, C. N., & Le, T. T. (2016). Aquaculture and poverty alleviation in Ben Tre Province, Vietnam. Aquaculture economics & management, 20(1), 82-108.

Nguyen, T., Anh, K., Jolly, C. M., Bui, C. T., & Le, T. H. (2015). Climate change, rural household food consumption and vulnerability: The case of Ben Tre province in Vietnam. Agricultural Economics Review, 16(389-2016-23527), 95-109.


The year of 2015

Duy, N. N., Flaaten, O., & Long, L. K. (2015). Government support and profitability effects–Vietnamese offshore fisheries. Marine Policy, 61, 77-86.

Olsen, S. O., Tuu, H. H., Honkanen, P., & Verplanken, B. (2015). Conscientiousness and (un) healthy eating: The role of impulsive eating and age in the consumption of daily main meals. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 56(4), 397-404.

Nguyen, K. A. T., Jolly, C. M., Le, T. T., & Bui, C. N. (2015). Climate change awareness, coping mechanisms and adaptation in poor rural coastal communities, Ben Tre Province, Vietnam. International Journal of Global Warming, 8(3), 416-435.

Yang, J. S., & Hung, H. V. (2015). Emotions as constraining and facilitating factors for creativity: Companionate love and anger. Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(2), 217-230.


The year of 2014

Ngoc, Q.T.K., 2014. Marine protected areas: a literature review on their benefits and their design for fisheries management. Asian Fisheries Science 27: 185-198.


The year of 2013

Pham, T. T. T., Flaaten, O., & Nguyen, T. K. A. (2013). Remuneration systems and economic performance: theory and Vietnamese small-scale purse seine fisheries. Marine Resource Economics, 28(1), 19-41.

Olsen, S. O., & Tuu, H. H. (2013). The roles of ambivalence, preference conflict and family identity: A study of food choice among Vietnamese consumers. Food Quality and Preference, 28(1), 92-100.

Tuu, H. H., & Olsen, S. O. (2013). Consideration set size, variety seeking and the satisfaction-repurchase loyalty relationship at a product category level. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.


The year of 2012

Duy, N. N., Flaaten, O., Anh, N. T. K., & Ngoc, Q. T. K. (2012). Open-access fishing rent and efficiency—The case of gillnet vessels in Nha Trang, Vietnam. Fisheries Research, 127, 98-108.

Honkanen, P., Olsen, S. O., Verplanken, B., & Tuu, H. H. (2012). Reflective and impulsive influences on unhealthy snacking. The moderating effects of food related self-control. Appetite, 58(2), 616-622.


The year of 2011

Long, L.K., and Flaaten, O. (2011), A Stackelberg Analysis of the Potential for Cooperation in Straddling Stock Fisheries. Marine Resource Economics, 26, 119-136.

Tuu, H. H., Olsen, S. O., & Linh, P. T. T. (2011). The moderator effects of perceived risk, objective knowledge and certainty in the satisfaction-loyalty relationship. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28(5), 363-375.


The year of 2010

Ngoc, Q. T. K. (2010). Creation of marine reserves and incentives for biodiversity conservation. Natural Resource Modeling, 23(2), 138-175.

Ngoc, Q.T.K., and Flaaten, O., 2010. Protected Areas for Conflict Resolution and Management of Recreational and Commercial Fisheries. Marine Resource Economics 25: 409 - 426.

Tuu, H. H., & Olsen, S. O. (2010). Ambivalence and involvement in the satisfaction–repurchase loyalty relationship. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 18(3), 151-158.

Tuu, H. H., & Olsen, S. O. (2010). Nonlinear effects between satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study of different conceptual relationships. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 18(3-4), 239-251.


The year of 2009

Long, L.K. (2009). Regional Fisheries Management Organization with an Endogenous Minimum Participation Level for Cooperation in Straddling Stock Fisheries. Fisheries Research, 97, 1-2, 42-52.

Ngoc, Q. T. K., Flaaten, O., and Kim Anh, N.T., (2009). Efficiency of Fishing Vessels Affected by a Marine Protected Area – The Case of Small-Scale Trawlers and the Marine Protected Area in Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam. Chapter 15 on the book: “Integrated coastal zone management”, Wiley- Blackwell, US.

Pomeroy, R., Nguyen, K. A. T., & Thong, H. X. (2009). Small-scale marine fisheries policy in Vietnam. Marine Policy, 33(2), 419-428.

Tuu, H. H., & Olsen, S. O. (2009). Food risk and knowledge in the satisfaction‐repurchase loyalty relationship. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.


The year of 2008

Long, L.K., Flaaten, O., and Kim Anh, N.T. (2008), Economic Performance of Open-access Fisheries: the Case of Vietnam’s Longliners in the South China Sea. Fisheries Research, 93, 296-304.

Tuu, H. H., Olsen, S. O., Thao, D. T., & Anh, N. T. K. (2008). The role of norms in explaining attitudes, intention and consumption of a common food (fish) in Vietnam. Appetite, 51(3), 546-551.

- International projects:        

(1) SRV 2701 (2004 - 2011); NOMA - FAME (2007 - 2013) supported from Norwegian Government and Tromso University (currently the Artic University).

(2) Incorporating Climate Change into Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries and Aquaculture Management in Sri Lanka and Vietnam (The Norwegian Program for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED)), 2014-2019.

(3) ClimeFish-Adapting to a Changing World (2017-2020) sponsored by EU

(4) How Marine Protected Areas Can Impact Human Well-Being - a Study of Marine Protected Areas and Fishing Communities in Central Vietnam (sponsored by Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia, EEPSEA); 2015 -2016.

(5) Economic value of coral reef ecosystems of Nha Trang bay, Vietnam (sponsored Nagao Environment Foundation, NEF), 2015-2017.

(6) Valuation Of Conservation Benefits Of Marine Protected Areas In Vietnam: Analysis & Dissemination Of Choice Experiment Surveys (sponsored British Academy), 2018-2019.

(7) Integrated Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Areas in the Southeast Asia and East Asian Region, ( sponsored by Asia  Pacific Network for Global Change Research, APN); 2011-2014.

(8) Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability Assessments, Economic and Policy Analysis of Adaptation Strategies in Selected Coastal Areas in Vietnam (sponsored Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia, EEPSEA), 2012-2014.

(9) Ensuring bivalve seed supply in Central Vietnam (tài trợ bởi Vlir- Ous), 2011-2015.

(10) Co-creating a decision support framework to ensure sustainable fish production in Europe under climate change – ClimeFish (sponsored European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework), 2016 -2020.

- International cooperation and cooperation with businesses

In the recent years, the Faculty's international cooperation has flourished, and many relationships with universities around the world have been maintained and developed, creating conditions for lecturers to have conditions to access to modern knowledge and improve professional qualifications and teaching capacity, scientific research among teachers and students.

Currently, the Faculty is cooperating with a number of universities:

1, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway

2, Ohio State University, USA

3, Auburn Agriculture University, USA

4 University of New Caledonia, France

5, George Mason University, USA

6, Université d'Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France

In addition to the main partner that has brought many significant and significant changes to training activities, scientific research and human resource development, the Faculty has also initially built and developed the information exchange cooperation. Information, research and training with the following partners:

- Norwegian Fisheries Research Council (collaborative research).

- APN Asia-Pacific Environment Research Organization (collaborative research).

- Shanghai University of China, Ruhuna University Srilanka, Bangladesh Chittagong University (in cooperation with NOMA - FAME).

 - Organization IIFET (information exchange and cooperation preparation for the conference). The Faculty has coordinated with the University to successfully organize the IIFETs World Economic and Trade Conference in July 2008.

- Research organization EAERE European Resource Economics and Environment (information exchange).

We have officially signed three Memorandums of Understanding and establish some closed relationship with following partners:

  1. Long Sinh Co.Ltd; Add: 37 Hoang Van Thu, Nha Trang, Viet Nam; Represented by: Vuong Vinh Hiep; Business sector: fisheries products.
  2. Nimex Epress Co.Ltd; Add: 51/66 Au Co, Phuoc Tan, Nha Trang, Viet Nam; Represented by: Ho Thi Hong Tuyet; Business sector: Express services.
  3. Megalight Cigar & Wine Co.Ltd; Add: 01 Le Quy Don, Nha Trang, Viet Nam; Represented by: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh; Business sector: intermediary, beverage and food, transport services, restaurant services
  4. The Hai Yen Co.Ltd; Add: 141, Huynh Thuc Khang, Tan Lap, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa; Represented by: Nguyen Thi Thanh Hai; Bussiness sector: Salanganes Nest.


Mr. Ho Huy Tuu, Assoc. Prof. Dr.


CP: +84.90.529 2180



Mr. Le Kim Long, Assoc. Prof. Dr.


CP:  +84.98.612 7306


Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Duy, Dr.


CP:  +84.96.8236578

  • Address: 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu street, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam
  • Email:
  • Tel: +84 (258) 2471380
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