
A brighter change in the application and technology transfer of scientific research projects

Recently, it can clearly see the imprint of science and technology in the development process in the fields of industry and agriculture. The role of scientific research units, including universities, is increasingly being promoted. Considering the promotion of scientific research as a premise to improve the quality of training, Nha Trang University has conducted research and technology transfer of many promising scientific research projects. In particular, many research projects of Nha Trang University have recently conducted technology transfer, bringing positive results in many fields of production and life. The story of recent prominent research projects in this article will partly reflect the inevitable transformation of knowledge quintessence into concrete products, associated with real life.


From shrimp by-product production to innovative awards for nutrition

Turning shrimp shells, which are considered as by-products, into high value products - is a scientific research project that brings many unexpected results of Nha Trang University. Prior to 2000, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trang Si Trung studied and worked with colleagues to improve the production of chitin from aquatic by-products to extract valuable nutritional compounds. The technology of the research team has extracted about 60-70% of chitin, protein, thereby creating many high value products in biology, health and agriculture.

Research to turn shrimp shells into high-value products

Having cooperated with Nha Trang University since 2016 on the application of this research to production, Vietnam Food Joint Stock Company (VNF) has gained the foundation to pursue the orientation of "zero-waste" and extracted successfully the majority of nutrients from shrimp by-products and transformed into many valuable foods. On that basis, at the beginning of December 2019 at Fi Global in Europe, VNF was awarded the Innovation Award in the global Future of Nutrition competition, helping to "make a breakthrough change" of traditional food supply chain in the next five years”.


Solving the breeding problem in aquaculture

Solving the breeding problem in aquaculture of the locality and region is also one of the highlights of the scientific research that Nha Trang University has achieved during the technology transfer to businesses and people.

Red snapper is an attractive species in many countries in Asia Pacific including Vietnam. Grasping that fact, the Institute of Aquaculture - Nha Trang University conducted research on red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) production. Since 2015, the Institute has applied trial production at enterprises and achieved positive results. Currently, there are about 20 farms of red drum in the South Central and Southern regions. Particularly in Khanh Hoa, it is estimated that enterprises produced more than two million red drum fingerlings for the market in 2019. Red drums grow fast, after 1 year of commercial farming in the pond, the yield is from 9 to 24 tons/ha. Currently, with the market price from 80,000 to 90,000 VND/kg, farmers get profit from 25,000 to 35,000 VND/kg. The success of the project has contributed to diversifying the breeding species, creating more jobs and income for breeding production households in the province. The initiative in breeding stocks is a favorable condition for the sustainable development of red drum farming.

Researching on aquatic breeds is considered one of the strengths in scientific research of Nha Trang University

Another research that also contributes to solving the problem of breeding stocks in the field of aquaculture is the project: “Research in building the technology process of producing the artificial dog conch breed Strombus canarium (Linnaeus, 1758). This research project has successfully built a technical process to produce artificial dog conchs which are suitable to the natural conditions of Khanh Hoa. The sexual maturity rate of broodstocks is about 85%, the rate of fertilization reaches 97%, and the hatching rate is over 93%. At present, the seeds of dog conch were handed over to Cam Lam Industry-Agriculture- Forestry Extension Centre, Khanh Hoa province to transfer to farmers to farm in grow-out ponds and marine cages. Test results show that the survival rate of dog conch is from 45.6 to 61.5%. According to the evaluation of the authorities, the project contributes knowledge and technology of high economic value aquatic animal. As a result, this helps supply sufficient seeds for farmers to develop dog conch growth-out culture industry in the province.


Potential in mechanical products

Dataweigh system, designed by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, is a smart automatic system that helps to weigh food and divide it into combinations based on a set value. The system has 18 or 24 independent weighing stations to weigh the product and its volume, which are transmitted to the controller. Based on the combined algorithm, the controller calculates the position of the scales that should be pushed so that the number of scales and the total volume of scales are exactly at the set value. Products of each package will be grouped so that the staff can easily collect them. At a time on the conveyor, there can be more than onepackage with a gap between the packages. With 18 stations, the system allows 35 weighing times per minutes (50 times/24 head scales). The system helps to reduce the waiting time of the product, thereby reducing the damage and retaining the original product quality.

Dataweigh system products are applied in practical production at enterprises.

The system is currently being used by the Indian Ocean Co., Ltd., (a member of Nam Viet Group - one of the largest corporations on culturing, processing and exporting catfish in Vietnam) and is expected to be used by other plants of the Nam Viet Group. The products can compete directly with products of large German and Japanese corporations such as Marel, Yamato.


Scientific research connects with the practical needs of society

Currently, scientific research activities at Nha Trang University are still being carried out strongly in the direction of focusing on efficiency, practical applicability. Our prominent researches are in the field of fisheries seed production, manufacturing fishing vessel equipment, extracting medicinal herbs from plants, producing medicinal herbs - vaccines used in aquaculture, food technology... In the period of 2011-2019, the University has implemented 14 research projects at the national level, 33 ones at the ministry level, 29 ones at the provincial level, 12 international projects, 121 ones at university level. By focusing on establishing relationships with businesses, localities throughout the country and hundreds of educational and research institutions across continents from Asia, Europe, America to Australia, Nha Trang University has made clear its development objectives in the field of scientific research, which are to directly serve the needs of socio-economic development, to create a bridge between training, scientific research and practical social production.
Nha Trang University has clearly shown its development objectives in the field of scientific research to directly serve the needs of socio-economic development, creating a bridge between training, scientific research and social production practices. This not only contributes to reaching the vision to 2030 “To become a prestigious university in training, research, and technology transfer, a leader in Southeast Asia in fisheries science and some selected areas in marine economy by 2030” but also affirms the role and prestigious position of the University for the development of the region and the country.


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