More than 100 students participated in the introduction of Taiwan Education, Culture and Scholarship
On December 11, 2023, Nha Trang University, in collaboration with the Education Department of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City, organized the introduction of Taiwan Education, Culture, and Scholarship.
Attending this event, on the side of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Ho Chi Minh City, were Mr Chen Ho-Hsien, Education Counselor, and Mr Truong Chi Cuong, Education Assistant. On the side of Nha Trang University, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Pham Quoc Hung – the Vice-Rector and the representatives of relevant units and over 100 students were present.

This event provided the attendees with valuable information about education, culture, and particularly the scholarships from the Taiwan Government. Some details about scholarships, such as application duration, scholarship range, and study time in Taiwan were supplied to students. They also received attractive gifts for answering the questions posed by the representative of the Education Department.
Under the commonalities between the educational systems, cultures, and lifestyles, Taiwan has been a popular destination for Vietnamese students when it comes to studying abroad. This event offered opportunities for students at the University to access information about studying in Taiwan so that they could make their study plans and enhance their proficiency in the future.