Nha Trang University holds the graduation ceremony of the university degree in 2023
From August 14 to 18, 2023, Nha Trang University solemnly held the regular graduation ceremony in 2023 for undergraduate students of Course 61.
This year, 2,164/2,970 students graduated, reaching a rate of 72.9%. In which, there is 1 High Distinction graduate, accounting for 0.05%; 249 students graduated with Distinction, accounting for 11.5%; Graded Good has 1,434 students, accounting for 66.3%; Graded Average has 480 students, accounting for 22.2%. Majors with high graduation rates include Chemical engineering technology (92.3%); Biotechnology (89.5%); Mechatronic Engineering (88.5%); Seafood processing technology (86.7%0; Hotel management (85.5%); Business administration (84.6%); Aquatic exploitation (83.3%), Processing technology seafood (86.7%); Food technology (81.3%); Accounting (80%). At the ceremony, the University honored and rewarded 250 students with excellent achievements in academically, 21 students have excellent achievements in community service in the academic year 2019-2023.
Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Khong Trung Thang - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Council of Nha Trang University recognized and praised the spirit of learning and training efforts of the University's students to complete the learning process. The Chairman of the Board of Directors also expressed his belief and hope that a solid knowledge base, maturity in personality, and a spirit of learning will be important prerequisites for new bachelors and new engineers to achieve successful careers and make meaningful contributions to society.

Dr. Khong Trung Thang - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council spoke at the ceremony.
Nha Trang University is currently training 36 undergraduate majors, 17 master's degrees, and 11 doctoral degrees, with nearly 16,000 students and trainees. In 2023, the University enrolls students with a scale of 3,600 targets in nearly 60 majors; in which, there are 05 special bilingual training programs, and 02 training programs under Minh Phu - NTU program.