
Working with representatives of Toulouse University (France)

On November 16, 2023, Nha Trang University welcomed and worked with Toulouse University (France) representatives.

        Attending the meeting was Professor Dominique Laffy - Architectural Research Laboratory, University of Toulouse. On the side of Nha Trang University were representatives of the International Cooperation Department; Information Technology Room; Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Faculty of Information Technology.

        At the meeting, representatives from the two schools shared information about their operations, strengths in scientific research and training programs as well as discussed areas where cooperation can be developed. Representatives from Toulouse University stated that they were eager to work with Nha Trang University in a variety of areas, particularly when it came to developing a project on spatializing geographic maps to apply for funding from the European Union (EU) via the Erasmus Programme. It is anticipated that some European universities, organizations, and schools in the Philippines and Vietnam will participate in this project. Nha Trang University can participate in project implementation through its research and training capacity in the fields of information technology, electricity and electronics.

Làm việc với đại diện Trường ĐH Toulouse (Pháp)

         The representatives of Nha Trang University welcomed Professor Dominique Laffy, expressed gratitude for their collaboration, and agreed with the suggestions of the Professor and Toulouse University's representatives. The two parties will keep researching and discussing to agree on finishing the project outline and submitting it to the EU as soon as possible.

Làm việc với đại diện Trường ĐH Toulouse (Pháp)

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